Hear from people like you who are already using the Hegenberger Retractor – we are so grateful to the clinicians and patients who have taken the time to share their stories and experiences with you.
The Hegenberger Retractor saves suturing time on a busy delivery Suite with 7,000 + births per year.
After 40 hours of labour, those first few precious moments with her were denied to me as I was taken away for emergency surgery without a general anesthetic for a third-degree tear that took two hours to resolve. It was the most terrifying experience of my entire life. I thought I was going to die. But the lack of support afterwards has left me determined to improve care for new mothers.
I just really find it helpful if any challenging tear or difficult tear. Before I never used metal speculum because it is so hard and most of the women will feel pain as soon as we insert it however, with Hegenberger Retractor no complaints or resistance or even pushing and closing it out. It is easy to put in and remove. I will be happy to continue using it.
The Hegenberger Retractor provides me with the ideal overview and calm that I need to repair complicated birth traumas.
There is a risk that you stitch muscle to skin, rather than muscle to muscle, which can cause pain during sex. Using the Hegenberger Retractor makes these complications far less likely.